News Clippings Scrap Book
Local and national news clippings from 1929-1954
This fabulous old scrap book was donated under our PADS scheme by Laura & Elizabeth. The scrap book was kept by C. L. Dudley, or Cecil Dudley, formerly of Guithavon Street. Cecil was a big fan of the operatics society, and indeed the pages of the scrap book are made of sheet music.
Cecil kept his scrap book from 1929-1954, with a break for the war and a few clippings from 1970 tucked inside at the back. The clippings range from local to national news, including the proclamation of King Edward VIII. Cecil's interests are clear, from local operatics clippings to the bowling club and Council news. Additionally there are many obituaries and marriage announcements.
These pictures are by no means the entire contents, but some of the most interesting bits.