Quality Council Status

Witham Town Council takes part in the Local Council Accreditation scheme and is a recognised Quality Status: Quality Council. The Local Council Accreditation scheme is one of the most important recognitions that the Town Council can achieve and may only be obtained through operating enhanced standards from both Members and officers.
The Town Council has resolved to achieve the highest Quality: Gold status. In support of this ongoing accreditation, the Council has published statements concerning management of governance, involvement with our local community and a statement concerning future development, which can be read below:
Investors in People

Investors in Peoplehas awarded Witham Town Council the We invest in people, standard accreditation.
It means principles and practices around supporting people are in place and everyone understands how to use them to make work better!
Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Witham Town Council. Being accredited with We invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places Witham Town Council in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”
Mindful Employer
Established in 2004, Mindful Employer is a UK wide initiative run by Devon Partnership NHS Trust. Providing Employers with easier access to professional Workplace Mental Health training, information and support, the initiative aims to help empower employers to take a lead in supporting the mental wellbeing of their staff. By signing the 'Charter for Employer Positive About Mental Health', Witham Town Council have made a public statement of our desire to support the mental health of our staff across the organisation.
Civility & Respect

Throughout the sector, there are growing concerns about the impact bullying, harassment and intimidation is having on councils, councillors and staff and the resulting effectiveness of local councils. In response, the Civility and Respect Project has been founded by the Civility and Respect Working Group and is supported by representatives from across the sector including SLCC, National Association of Local Councils (NALC) councils, County Associations and One Voice Wales (OVW).