Members Allowances
Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003
Members can claim an allowance to cover the expenses which are normally associated with the basic duties of being a town councillor, travelling and subsistence expenses are treated separately. The level of the allowance must the the same for all but the Chairman of the Council.
At a meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee on 6th September 2021 members resolved to approach Braintree District Council to seek further information regarding the Parish Remuneration Panel and received the following response-
“Further to the Town Council’s request received on 27th October 2021 for the District Council’s IRP (Acting as the Parish Remuneration Panel) to consider and make recommendations on the proposed Member Allowances for Witham Town Council, we have been reviewing our IRP as it has been sometime since we have had to call a meeting. A part of that review was to determine the Terms of Office which our Panel Members are able to hold and as consequence we are in the process of recruiting new IRP Members. I regret to have to advised that we will be unable to call a meeting of the IRP by 31st December in accordance with the Town Council’s request to make a recommendations in time for their budget and precepting in January 2022.”
As Braintree District Council indicated it was unable to perform its role of Parish Remuneration Panel Under Section 30 of applicable regulations due to governance issues with Terms of Reference, Witham Town Council made the decision to proceed with setting a new allowance in accordance with the regulations, having paid due regard to this fact.
It was resolved at a meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 29th November 2021 to set the basic Members’ Allowance for 2022/2023 financial year at £500.